I stopped halfway through The Great Hunt
What starts off as a slow chase quickly catches up to itself in a twisty turn of events. In the world of the Wheel of Time things are supposed to happen in a certain way, but what you find out in The Great Hunt is that times are changing. What was and what will be are not changing, but the the journey the characters are embarking upon will not end the way they should have.
This is the magic of Robery Jordan; weaving characters together into a story that is written as concrete as history. The story is laid out as though everything happens for a reason, but characters shift and events occur that change the journey that is being taken. In the end, though, everyone seems to be right where they should be.
The ending of The Great Hunt was one of the best endings that I have ever read. Granted my "Books I've read list" isn't that massive, but this story ranks up right next to Lord of the Rings. The true magic though is that the ending leads to so much more that I am already deep within the next book, The Dragon Reborn.
If you aren't reading the Wheel of Time you should be.